The is the news platform of the Philippine Press Institute. Stories are written and published by journalists from close to 70 member-newspapers across the Philippines, and from time to time would focus on specific themes/issues.
Watchmen Daily Journal is a daily community newspaper based in Bacolod City. It is written in English, Tagalog and Visayan dialects, and delivers a very modern take in presenting the news. It reflects trends and up-to-date opinions of the current generation that are vital and sensible to the daily activities of the Negrosanons.
Watchmen Daily Journal desires to keep the Negrenses rooted to their invaluable traditions and values, upholding the region’s rich dialects.
The is the news platform of the Philippine Press Institute. Stories are written and published by journalists from close to 70 member-newspapers across the Philippines, and from time to time would focus on specific themes/issues.
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