The is the news platform of the Philippine Press Institute. Stories are written and published by journalists from close to 70 member-newspapers across the Philippines, and from time to time would focus on specific themes/issues.
Davao Catholic Herald is the only Catholic newspaper locally, published every Sunday and run by the Davao Verbum Dei Media Foundation of the Archdiocese of Davao; caters to 80% of the Catholics to the city population of more or less 2 million. Read by bishops, priests, and lay faithful alike (estimated number of 300, 000)
*Presently circulated with 2, 100 copies per week.
*Subscribed by 34 parishes, 5 Catholic schools & colleges, 63 congregations, *27 church-based organizations, lay movements, etc.
*With copies ordered by the Dioceses of Digos and Mati.
The is the news platform of the Philippine Press Institute. Stories are written and published by journalists from close to 70 member-newspapers across the Philippines, and from time to time would focus on specific themes/issues.
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